Create With Purpose

Adobe Youth Voices Develops the technology skills among youth, providing cutting edge tools and breakthrough learning experiences from creating video, multimedia, digital art, web, animation, and audio to express their voices in society and prepare for 21st centery employment with critical thinking, innovation, collaboration and communication skills. more

August 31, 2012

How to develop your creativity

There are 4 simple steps to develop your creativity.

  • The Process - Understanding "What is creativity?"
  • Who Are You? - Embracing "Your individuality"
  • Find the Time - Making Time "to develop your ideas"
  • Write it Down - Documenting "Your ideas as they come"

Step 1: The Process : Understanding What Is Creativity

Creativity is not magic, it is a skill that can be learned.
Creativity is a process of small steps ton creates a powerful idea.
Take the journey creativity, take your first step to think.
Creativity is a learned skill!

Step 2: Who Are You? Embracing Your Individuality

Creativity is you. 
Developing your creativity starts with understanding yourself.
We look a like outside. We are different individuals inside.
We have our own inner feelings, thinking and actions.
Our differences is our value.
We are born unique.
There is no one like you. It is plain and simple.
Every great idea in history was thought by a person.
Remember always and tell your self always "I am capable of having great ideas."
Einstein was a store clerk, yet he was capable of great ideas.
Say "I am capable of having great ideas." 100 times a day.
Say it until you believe it, because it is true.
Respect and embrace your own self. 

Step 3: Find the Time : Making Time to Develop Your Ideas

This is the most important step of your creativity.
Ideas are less useful if you don't write it.
You need to make time in your schedule for nurturing your creative ideas. Let it grow like a plant.
As a creative person, you may struggle to find time with your family and education obligations.
All creative people spend some time of their shedule to write.
Try to schedule a regular time when you can be alone with your thoughts.
Half an hour after dinner or during the lunch hour or a walk in the afternoon.
You could find time.
Misty mornings, lonley evenings encourage your mental wanderings.
No idea is too small or too big. It is not cracy. Write them down as they come.
Many small ideas lead to a really big idea.
You can start with as little as 10 minutes at a time .
The more time you devote to your thoughts and ideas, the quicker they will develop.
accumulate and bear your fruit.
So, Make Time to be a creative person.

Step 4: Write it Down : Documenting Your Ideas as They Come

Documentation is the final step in harnessing your creative powers.
Value your small, unique thoughts relatedd to everyday life.
Do not be fooled into thinking that you will remember your ideas later.
You will forget if you do not write them down.
Once written you can rewise them.
Write down ideas when they are fresh in your mind.
Write them down with as much depth, clarity and context as you can.
Develop a thread. It doesn't have to be in order.
You can order them later.
Many a great idea has been lost by neglecting to write it down.
Creativity is a process, accumulation of small ideas become a bigger one.
Small ideas come from our unique experiences and perspectives.
They grow and develop when we make the time to follow where they lead.
We write our ideas down so that we may revisit and develop them at a later date.
We are all capable of having great ideas.But many not good at writing them down.

So write your ideas.

The truth is that our experiences shape our views, our thoughts, our dreams and our ideas. You don't have to be an expert player to write about football.

Beginning of a story setting, developing a character, a feeling or even an opening line are things drawn from our own personal experiences.

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